Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I lost my Walett!

I lost my wallet, that was the most common sentence I said in the last few months I staid in the US. One lovely winter day as usual I went to the gym and as usual y didn’t lock the locker where I put my stuff on. When I finished the working out and the relaxing half an hour on the swimming pool I change my cloths and came back home. The next day I was about taking the bus to go to school when I figured out I didn’t carry my wallet with me, so I went back to the apartment and I got more nervous every time I checked everywhere and I didn’t find it. Then I reminded the last time I used it and it was to get in the gym (because of the ID) and I went really hurry to the gym and I asked to everybody about the wallet, every single person I asked, asked me back “did you lock your locker?” I was so frustrated and angry with the situation and the people who didn’t care a bit about my lost wallet. Once in the apartment I blocked the credit card and I noticed that I didn’t have any money (just a bunch of quarters) and y was almost run of food. Then I called to MasterCard guys who told me they could provided me an emergency card in two more days. After answering a lot of question about where, when I was born they told me the process had got started. I could go to school because I had lost the month ticket I had bough. So, I just tried to do cheep things waiting for those two long days in a foraniang country without any money.
At the end of the second day I was hungry and even thou I had told my roommates about the lost wallet no one of them was so in sharing food with me. Even one of them had a food party that night and I didn’t get invited! Things like that makes you love more the dogs you know, anyway. The next day I received the waited card early in the morning, so relived I spent the last few coins on the bus to school. After class I went to a restaurant with my Chilean partner and the card didn’t work. Very upset I went to the bank in case they could help me in some way. They couldn’t do it, they just clarified me that the card had a wrong number or something like this. Totally frustrated, Rolly told me he knew a way to get free calls to Chile and I swallow my pride and ask for help to my brother, in the beginning he sound very alarmed and worried but when he figured out I was right he started yelling at me blaming me for no calling him earlier. At that time, in Chile was almost 7.00 pm and finding a place to send money was getting difficult, finally he got a place (I don’t remember exactly). He sent money to me and told me to wait fifteen minutes to go and get it. We went with Rolly and got the money without a problem, after going to the supermarket to buy food and a new bus ticket I came back to my apartment and sent back by internet the money to my brother. Then I received a call from the master card guys telling me that my new “emergency card” was sent to the new address I had given to them. It took my a few second to know what they were talking about, I hadn’t asked for any new emergency card and I hadn’t given any new address. Then I figured out that the people who stole my wallet seeing that they couldn’t buy more stuff at Wall mark (as they did, luckily they didn’t spent much money they reached kind of USD 150) they had asked for an emergency card in my name giving that super secret information about my bird (both appeared on my Chilean ID, anybody with a little Spanish could do it). Alarmed by the new I asked to cancel the shipping and when I asked for the address they gave to receive the card, the mastercard guys told me that was a secret information they could share with me.!
Well, in a week I had a credit car that worked and my life was under normality again, but once on a while people asked my for my ID whitch I didn’t have, I had to explain everything over and over again. One sweet spring day I insited in driving by myself to the supermarket on Carolina’s car, as it must happened a police man asked me to stop and give him my driving license. I didn’t have with me any document just de Gym ID witch was barely understandable, as a Latin guy I am without any paper, he of course though I was carrying drogues or something because he check the car, even my little bag with the camera. When he saw a little piece of paper in the camera bag witch had church information he changes his attitude and started believing my lost wallet story. Even thou that, he followed me to Carolina´s house and stared at us for a while when I told to her the story.
Wallet, Wallet, Wallet, it is very weird to me that all we are is reduced into some words on a card or ID, all this feelings came back to me yesterday when I was about to by some books on internet when I figured out I didn’t have my wallet with me. I didn’t gave it importance thinking that I had forgotten it in my room, but when I got there and I could find it all this weird filling came back to me. I stated calling some friends who were still at the office to ask them to check better my desk but nothing, and then I noticed: I lost my wallet again! I started by calling the bank and canceling the cards and today my ID and License (temporally). I tried to remember and recreate the places and situation I used by the last time and it was on the bus coming to work on Monday, you can think how is possible to not notice that I didn’t have my wallet before two days, easy here we don’t use money and I am not to use it y my pocket on my pants, it bothers me, I prefer keep it in my back bag where I keep my notebook also. Well the thing is that after calling the bus’s driver office, they told me that they hadn’t found anything on the bus, but when the same group where working late last night at the office, took the bus at midday, they found my wallet under the sit. Moral: I must buy a thinner wallet so I can carry it with me all the time and I have nice workmates, isn’t it?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Fuego dentro de mi!

El día de ayer como usualmente son los domingos en la pega, fue atareado, corriendo y peleando con los contratistas hasta el final, pero además tuvo un ingrediente adicional: una fiebre espantosa. algo me cayó mal en la hora de almuerzo mandándome derechito al baño, pero luego comenzó una fiebre que me hacía tiritar de frío, como solución no encontré nada mas encanchao que tomarme unos teeees de hierbas bien calientes, que me quitaban la sensación de frió y subir la estufa en la oficina al máximo, resultado: bienestar temporal que terminaba en mas frió, asi estuve en una espiral que terminó conmigo arriba de la estufa tiritando de frío. El que entraba a la oficina decía que era un horno, pero ni ahí. A eso de las 6 de la tarde (lo peor fue tipo 4.00) empiezo yo a sentir calor y a transpirar, por lo que comprendí que la fiebre estaba bajando, a las 7.00 finalmente envío el bendito informe y me hallo libre de ir al policlinico para que me echen un ojo. Pese a que me sentía muxo mejor a como me había sentido en la tarde, al llegar allá me hallaron la presión alta y fiebre 39, algo. Los viejujos que atendían no encontraron, entonces, nada mas encachao que ponerme un suero recién salido del refrigerador a la vena con un antifebril y no se cuantos polvos mas, el viejujo además me dijo que mis venas eran malas así que mejor iba a usar una pequeña que se veía mas superficialmente, al pinchar exclama: hay me equivoque! sin querer averiguar a que se refería solo le eché un vistazo al brazo que estaba cubierto de sangre calientita y de un color concho de vino furioso. Las mentadas gotitas de la pócima milagrosa caían con una cadencia irreverente, a medida que sentía que el brazo se enfriaba rápidamente, me vino entonces un ataque de frío generalizado, pero mi tío no me dejó taparme diciendo que era normal, que sería la forma en que me bajara la fiebre... después de dos horas contando gotitas, contándome chistes malos y sintiendo pena de mi brazo de muerto ya me sentía muxo mejor, no había dolor de cabeza, el ritmo cardiaco se había normalizado y estaba tan frío que sentía que podía correr pilucho sin sentir ni un shock térmico. El viejujin me mando derechito al campamento a descansar, lo que yo creía era que me fuera rapidito antes que se me pasara el efecto de la inyección de frío. Efectivamente, me acosté y quede dormido rápidamente, pero a las no se cuanto de la mañana de vuelta a despertar con fiebre (aunque menor, debo confesarlo) fue entonces que me acordé del tratamiento de frío y me puse a tomar agua fría, sacarme el pijama (las de intimidades que cuento) y a cambiarme del lado de la cama cada vez que este se calentaba.. ah y por supuesto sin frazadas para que el frió sea total, casi abro la ventana, pero a 4000 msnm pensé que quizás eso sería too much. Resultado, me quedé dormido de nuevo y desperté casi sin fiebre. Espero que en transcurso del día no venga el fuego abrazador del pecado a avivar mi conciencia nuevamente.

Leí por ahí (estoy convaleciente no me pidan citas exactas) que la figura del fuego de azufre como infierno sin fin, venía de una antigua costumbre judía de juntar los desperdicios y quemarlos, eran verdaderos vertederos que se iban formando en la periferia de las ciudades en donde los vagabundos, prófugos de la justicia, leprosos, etc acudían por alimentos, elementos dignos de reciclaje y finalmente fuego para aplacar el frío por las noches, fue entonces que se asoció el fuego a la gente de "mala calaña" y que como castigo lo ultimo que le podía pasar a uno en la vida era terminar en los fuegos periféricos. No se si la compran, pero a mi me pareció interesante cuando lo leí.